Providing Comprehensive Family Medical Care

Medical Care Ranked #1 in Quality and Low Cost

Adult Care

Life-long care for those 18 years and older that is tailored to each individual.



We’re a family-focused clinic that provides expert obstetric care, including prenatal visits and baby delivery.



We provide full care for all of your child’s healthcare needs from their newborn years to teens and beyond.



For your comfort and convenience, we offer a wide-range of specialty services right in our offices.


Patient Information

Now Accepting Same Day Appointments!

We strive to be as available and convenient for our patients as possible. Many times, that includes same-day appointments.

Please call your clinic directly to inquire about availability.


Checklist Appointment Checklist Stopwatch Urgent Care
Sheild with checkmark Billing & Insurance Medical Notebook Patient Forms
Northwest Family Clinics – A Family First Approach

We are not just a “Doctor’s Office”, we are a clinic that truly values family. We seek to treat patients, not illnesses. We have a family first approach, and take the time to get to know each and every one of our patients.

With a whole life care approach; we are with our patients from birth until geriatric years, getting to know who they are and where they come from during many years of care.

Why Northwest Family Clinics?

Wellness Education

Am I Pregnant? Understanding the Signs and Symptoms

Explore the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, learn when and how to test for pregnancy, and gain insights into what your body may be telling you. Read our detailed guide for expecting parents.

Helping Your Child Navigate and Express Their Feelings

Learn how to help your child navigate and express their feelings with our expert tips on fostering emotional intelligence from a young age. Discover strategies for creating a supportive environment at home.

The Importance of Mental Health Support for New Moms

Explore the crucial aspects of postpartum mental health, understand the signs, and discover how family and friends can support new mothers in navigating this challenging time. Learn more about effective coping strategies and the importance of professional help.

National Women's Health Week

Join us in celebrating National Women's Health Week! Discover essential health tips, learn about the importance of preventive screenings, and understand key issues in women’s health. Prioritize your health not just this week, but every day.