Tips For Healthy Aging

Posted at 5:21 PM on Sep 10, 2020


September is here and we are ready to celebrate Healthy Aging month! This entire month is dedicated to bringing awareness to aging well and longevity. Why celebrate healthy aging? Healthy Aging Magazine states, “We saw a need to draw attention to the myths of aging, to shout out ‘Hey, it’s not too late to take control of your health, it’s never too late to get started on something new.’ Why not think about the positive aspects of aging instead of the stereotypes and the negative aspects?” We could not agree more!

Tips for Healthy Aging

Eat Well

Eating well is arguably one of the most important steps in living a healthy life. Be mindful of the foods you are choosing to put into your body and keep it simple. Aim to eat the rainbow and fill your plate every meal with whole foods that are minimally processed.

Move Your Body

Living a sedentary lifestyle is now being linked to countless diseases that may be preventable. Opt to move more everyday by making small changes to your everyday life like parking farther away or taking the stairs.

Additionally, you should aim to get regular physical exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.” Get creative and enjoy exercising by choosing an activity you enjoy like taking a dance class, swimming, or biking.


Positive people are generally happier. Aim to keep those negative thoughts in check by being self-aware of them and focusing instead on the positives.

Stress Less

We are a stressed nation. Add healthy years to your life by stressing less. Meditation and/or breathing exercises can be an easy free way to feel less stressed. Again, keep it simple. The next time you are feeling stressed pause and breath. Take a big inhale through the nose and exhale fully out the mouth. Repeat 5-10 times. You will feel noticeably better, just by breathing.

Have Fun

Everyone likes to have fun which leads us to feel happy. Find activities that bring you joy. Make them part of your everyday life.

Get Regular Check-Ups

Make your annual check-ups a priority. Instead of dreading these visits, look forward to them. This is your opportunity to ask your doctor questions and discuss steps you can take to live well!

Healthy Aging - Ending Aging Stereotypes

No matter your age, your goal should be to live the healthiest life possible. Let’s avoid the stereotypes about aging and instead focus on living well at every age. As always, be open and honest with your doctor and ask questions!
