American Heart Health Month - Making Self-Care a Priority

Posted at 4:52 PM on Feb 22, 2021


Every February we celebrate American Heart Health Month and this year the focus is on self-care. What exactly does that mean? Self-care means taking the time and energy to focus on your well-being. It is easy in our busy lives to focus on everything and everyone, but ourselves. This month, however, is your opportunity to think about self-care without feeling selfish. 

American Heart Health Month - 7 Days of Self-Care

Putting yourself first can be a challenge, but it’s important to realize that to take care of our daily responsibilities, such as work and taking care of our family, we need to be at our best. Take just one week to make self-care a priority and hopefully, these habits will become part of your daily norm. Here is a guide to taking 7 days of self-care.

Self Care Sunday

Start the week right by creating a self-care checklist for the week. Make note of how you will focus on your well being each day of the week. Make these non-negotiable. Treat them like a work meeting you cannot miss. Make self-care tasks a high priority.

Mindful Monday

Be in the know when it comes to your health. For example, you may choose to use mindful Monday to know your blood pressure, your weight and/or body composition, blood sugar, or other vital health stats.

Tasty Tuesday

Eating well is a major part of keeping your heart healthy. We provide monthly heart-healthy recipes, but for more inspiration, you can check out the American Heart Association.

Wellness Wednesday

Do something good for your overall wellness. Go for a run, a hike, a bike ride, play with the kids outside, dance, whatever you choose make it fun!

Treat Yourself Thursday

Permit yourself to take “me time” to just relax. This can be a challenge for busy working parents, but the time is there if you make it. Take a relaxing hot bath, read a book, meditate, do yoga, sleep, do whatever helps you to relax and destress.

Follow Friday

Social media can be a very negative place, do yourself a favor by unfollowing persons/pages who are constantly negative and instead follow persons/pages who inspire you to live a healthy life.

Selfie Saturday

Take a selfie and share with others how you are putting your health first.

Making Daily Self-Care Part of Your Heart Healthy Routine

We hope that after you try making your self-care a priority for one week that you will begin to make it a priority every single day. Remember, it’s okay to put yourself first.
