Happy Father’s Day - Let’s Talk About Men’s Health

Posted at 11:22 AM on Jun 8, 2023

On June 18th we get to show our dad how much he means to us by saying, “Happy Father’s Day!” We, however, would like to give dad and all the other men out there a little more attention this month by talking about men’s health - how to improve it and how to stay healthy!


How to Improve Men’s Health and Stay Healthy

All of us are undoubtedly a work in progress and that means we will always have things we can improve upon, our health is one of them. Here are some ways that men may improve their overall health:


Make safety a top priority in your life by thinking safety first. This means wearing a seatbelt, helmet, lifejacket, safety glasses, sunscreen, and bug spray when applicable. 

Protect Your Prostate

Aim to keep your prostate healthy by eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and seeing your doctor for your regular physical exam.


Make sleep a priority. It is recommended that adults get 7-9hrs of sleep nightly. You can learn more about the importance of sleep by reading our article, “The Importance of Sleep”.

Hand Hygiene

Proper handwashing is hands down (pun intended) one of the best ways to stay healthy as germs are easily transferred from our hands to inside our bodies and to others. You can learn more about handwashing by reading, “Seriously, Wash Your Hands”.

Physical Activity

Recommendations from The American Heart Association for adults: 

  • Get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both preferably spread throughout the week. 

  • Add moderate- to high-intensity muscle-strengthening activity (such as resistance or weights) on at least 2 days per week. 

  • Spend less time sitting. Even light-intensity activity can offset some of the risks of being sedentary. 

  • Gain even more benefits by being active at least 300 minutes (5 hours) per week.

  • Increase amount and intensity gradually over time.

Eat a Nutritious Diet

Aim to eat a wide variety of whole natural foods daily. Think about the rainbow, the more colorful your plate the better! Avoid processed foods and foods with a high amount of sugar.

Additional Resources

You can find more resources on men’s health by visiting:

American Heart Association


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

And of course by talking with your doctor during your next exam. Stay healthy!
