My Child is Sick - When to Keep Them Home From School

Posted at 1:58 PM on Dec 12, 2023

My Child is Sick - When to Keep Them Home From School

As parents we have all been there, our kiddo is sick and now we must make the call…should I send my child to school or keep them at home? It's a common question, especially during the cold and flu season. We also know the dilemma in dealing with children who simply don’t want to go to school and may fake an illness to stay home. But, as parents, how do we tell when it’s serious or if they are simply looking for a day off?

Here are some simple tips to determine if you should keep your child home from school:

Do They Have a Fever?

A fever is a clear sign that your child's body is fighting an infection. If your child has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, they should stay home. They can return to school once they've been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication.

Are They Vomiting and/or Experiencing Diarrhea?

These symptoms are often signs of a contagious stomach virus. Your child should stay home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.

Is it Contagious?

If your child has a contagious illness like chickenpox, strep throat, COVID-19, or influenza, they should definitely stay home. They can return based on a doctor's advice, typically when they're no longer contagious or have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours.

Are They Abnormally Tired or Irritable?

If your child is unusually tired, irritable, or restless, it could be a sign of being unwell. A day of rest at home might be needed.

Northwest Family Clinics -  Fever

Are the Symptoms Severe?

A mild cold is not usually a reason to miss school. However, if the cough is severe or is accompanied by vomiting or difficulty breathing or a wheezy sound, it's better to stay home and seek medical treatment, especially if they are having difficulty catching their breath.

Is it Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)?

This condition can be contagious. Children can usually return to school 24 hours (if not sooner) after starting antibiotic eye drops if prescribed by a doctor.

What About Skin Rashes?

Rashes can be the sign of contagious conditions like impetigo. Consult with a healthcare provider for diagnosis and keep your child at home if it’s contagious.

Earache or Toothache

While not always contagious, these pains can be distressing for a child. It’s best to consult a doctor for advice as they may be treatable with over-the-counter medications to help alleviate the symptoms.

Balancing Act

As parents, we often worry about our child missing out on school or us missing work. However, keeping a sick child at home is not only beneficial for their recovery but also helps prevent the spread of illness to others.
Always trust your instincts as a parent. If your child seems unwell, a day at home may be needed. And remember, when in doubt, consult with your family doctor for the best course of action. Learn more about keeping your child healthy by reading our article, “Keeping Kids Physically Healthy”.
