Sleep Better – Natural Remedies for Trouble Sleeping

Posted at 2:52 PM on Mar 11, 2022


We know sleep is important, but what if you are someone who struggles to fall or stay asleep? You are not alone. A restful night’s sleep can be challenging for many people.

Why Can’t I sleep?

There are numerous factors that impact your ability to fall and stay asleep.  Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. This disorder can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-lasting). Your physician can provide a diagnosis if your sleeping problems are due to insomnia or something else. They can discuss lifestyle changes and even prescribe medications in certain circumstances.

Factors That Impact Sleep

There are many things that can affect your ability to sleep well. Understanding why your sleep gets disrupted is key to making helpful changes to improve your sleep quality. 

  • Lifestyle
  • Consuming too much caffeine or too late in the day
  • Screen exposure (blue light) within 1 hour of bedtime
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Disruption in schedule or lack of a regular sleep schedule
  • Eating within 2 hours of bedtime
  • Consuming excess alcohol
  • Smoking or smokeless tobacco products
  • Lack of exercise or too much exercise close to bedtime
  • Consuming too many liquids too close to bedtime (avoid liquids 2 hours prior)
  • Medical Conditions – Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, chronic pain, etc.
  • Medications – Prescription and over the counter
  • Mental Health Disorders
  • Hormones - Hormonal shifts during the menstrual cycle and in menopause

Sleep Better – Natural Remedies

Many factors play a role in getting better sleep, so let’s talk about some simple tips to sleep better using natural remedies:

  • Make sleep non-negotiable
  • Set a bedtime and an awake time and stick to it (even on the weekends)
  • Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary – complete darkness, no screens, not too warm and comfortable bedding and pillows
  • Relax 1 hour before bed – take a bubble bath, meditate, read, diffuse lavender oil, etc.
  • Limit screen time – 1hour before bed no more screens
  • No caffeinated beverages 6 hours before bed
  • Eat a balanced nutrient-dense diet – fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and lean proteins
  • Eat dinner at least 2 hours before bed
  • Get more activity throughout the day – ideally early in the day
  • Reduce daily stress
  • Limit daytime naps to under 30 minutes
  • Don’t consume excess alcohol or tobacco products
  • Set a comfortable bedroom temperature
  • No fluids 2 hours before bed

Sleep Better – Make Changes Today

Many disruptions in sleep are linked to lifestyle changes that you can easily make. Begin making changes in your daily life and start sleeping better. Remember, you can always consult your physician for more information on causes and to discuss specific ways to help you sleep better.
