Staying Healthy Over the Holidays

Posted at 10:38 AM on Dec 12, 2023


The holidays have arrived!  While this is a joyous time, for many of us this time of year is also filled with lots of stress. The added stress of travel, meal prepping, buying gifts, planning get-togethers, etc. leaves many of us feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to get everything done. In addition to the added stress, many of us will ultimately pick up a bug leaving us not feeling our best.

Extra stress around the holidays also makes us more prone to pick up some bad habits. Many of us will eat more or eat foods that are not the most nutritious, drink more alcohol, sacrifice sleep, and generally fall out of our normal, healthy routines.  We often pack on a few extra pounds, too.

Staying Healthy Over the Holidays – Simple Tips


For many of us, the minute life gets busy our workout is the first thing to go. It’s at these times that we need to remind ourselves that our daily workout is non-negotiable…caring for our body takes top priority. Exercise has been linked to countless physical and mental benefits, and it can help you manage your holiday stress. It keeps your body strong and healthy. You can learn more about the importance of physical activity in our article, “The Importance of Regular Physical Activity”.


With holiday parties and sweets everywhere, it is easy to make choices that are not the most nutritious. Stay on track and aim to eat a colorful whole-food diet while still enjoying the occasional holiday treat. Eating a balanced nutrient-dense diet has been linked to feeling better and more satisfied. It can also help your mood, so if you are suffering from holiday blues you may want to look at what you are eating and try to stay away from the sweets.

Manage Stress

Daily mindfulness, meditation or breathing techniques can help to manage stressful feelings over the holidays. There are numerous apps and free online resources that can help guide you through a brief 5 to 10-minute mindfulness session. Or just keep it simple and focus on your breathing for one minute as needed throughout your day to stay calm and help manage stress.


Many of us often sacrifice sleep in exchange for being more productive. However, we do not perform our best if we are sleep deprived. Sleep is a time of body cleansing and rejuvenation and needs to be made a priority. Generally, most adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.

Wash Your Hands Frequently

Avoid picking up unwanted illnesses by practicing good hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with clean running water and soap. Be sure to scrub in between your fingers and underneath your nails. When running water is not available and hands are not visibly soiled, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Staying Healthy Over the Holidays – Washing Hands

Avoid Touching Your Face

One of the easiest ways for sneaky germs to get into our bodies is through our nose, eyes, and mouth. We are constantly touching our face without realizing it. Take a moment to track how many times in one hour you touch your face – it’s more than you think. Be mindful of keeping your hands away from your face.

Seeking Help

If you know the holidays are a particularly hard time of the year for you or if you think you may be experiencing seasonal depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder), seek help. Getting help is the first step to feeling better. Talk to your primary care doctor today.
